The Exit Strategy wins Book of the Year from IAN!

MORE Musings on Imposter Syndrome and The Danger of Comparison to Other Authors

Wowza! Today, I’m learning to listen to signs from the universe ⭐️😁🌙

Just found out that my debut won its 12th award - 2021 Book of the Year from the Independent Author Network (IAN) for Outstanding Women’s Fiction.

And this landed right when I needed a reminder to keep going.

You see, this week was a bit tough, writing head space wise. I’d just buckled down to two weeks of editing in Vancouver, and successfully gotten back into a productive groove. Then, my mum took a tumble and Hubby and I expressed traveled back to CA to care for her.

Which, combined with already being behind, means I’ll miss my committed Jan 1 deadline to send book two to my editor.

So, I’ve been mentally wrestling with a decent dose of imposter syndrome and comparison these last few days


Why does it seem like everyone else can write / revise faster than I can?

Am I just not disciplined enough?

Why can’t I be productive unless I have big slots of uninterrupted time?

How is it possible that some friends will have 4 - 5 books out by the time I have 2?

All of which is utterly unhelpful and counterproductive.

Comparison truly is the thief of joy - and creativity. But I share because, I suspect, it happens for most of us.

And then yesterday this award happened!

It feels like so long since my novel released in July 2020 (I applied for 15 awards right after release, thinking 1 or 2 might come through if I was lucky).

But message received universe - time to refocus on gratitude! I may never be the fastest writer but I’m privileged to put in the hard work and be part of a community I love.

In the mean time maybe it’s time to get an awards shelf? 😂

Congrats to authors I admire who I spotted in this and the other category winners - Laura Kemp, Leslie Rasmussen, Jenn Bouchard (don’t miss Jenn’s interview with me about her novel, First Course, on The Best of Women’s Fiction podcast), Leslie Rasmussen.

There are also some finalists in the #womensfiction category that are newer to me - Sharain Hemingway, Annette G Anders, Holly Brandon, Pamela Hamilton - I’ll be checking them all out soon!